SEFFIGYN® is used to restore the vaginal tissue peculiar characteristics of fertile age, both from an aesthetic and functional point of view, enhancing the self-repair capacity of tissues.
Genitourinary syndrome of menopause (physiological or induced)
Restoration of hydration, tone, elasticity and firmness of the female genital area.
SEFFIGYN® is designed for gynaecologists and aesthetic doctors who want to exploit he potential of SVF and ADSCs present in the micro-fragmented adipose tissue to promote the spontaneous generation of mucosa, collagen and elastic fibers in the female genital region.
SEFFIGYN® does not require any equipment, other than the kit itself, for harvesting, preparation and grafting.
The tissue obtained with SEFFIGYN® needs no manipulation and is prepared in a closed sterile system.
SEFFIGYN® is a disposable “all-in-one” kit for guided harvesting and autologous grafting of adipose tissue and stromal fraction (SVF) containing Adipose Derived Stem Cells (ADSCs).
With SEFFIGYN® the harvesting procedure is guided and hence simple, safe and standardized.

The guide helps the doctor to conduct the harvesting in the correct plan; the disposable medical device reduces infectious and contagion risks to a minimum.

The anesthesia and harvesting phases are facilitated by the guide, which makes the procedure easy even for doctors without specific experience in subcutaneous tissue harvesting.

The device “guides” the harvesting cannula in the correct superficial plane, where the maximum concentration of mesenchymal stem cells (ADSCs) is present.

The medical device contains everything necessary to perform step-by-step regenerative therapy, from anesthesia of the donor area to tissue grafting.

The guide makes the harvesting procedure of adipose tissue easy, safe and standardized, in the correct subcutaneous plane.

The special syringe with self-blocking plunger allows a simple, safe and effective tissue suction.

The special harvesting cannula selects small cellular vascular clusters that need no further manipulation for grafting in the regenerative therapy.

The autologous treatment of GSM AND INTIMATE REJUVENATION